
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Criminal proceedings against Alfred John Webb Essay

              The purpose of this contribution is to analyze the relationship between Article 34 TFEU and national rules regulating when, where, how and by whom a lawfully imported and marketed product may be used. According to that provision, quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect shall be prohibited between Member States.† The Treaty is silent on how one should understand the words â€Å"all measures having equivalent effect†. In Dassonville, the Court held that these words cover â€Å"all trading rules enacted by member states which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-community trade are to be considered as measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions.† This definition is far from being as operational as is sometimes presumed, since it begs at least two questions (Torfaen Borough Council, 1989). First, what measures constitute â€Å"trading rules † and, second, how serious an impact must a measure have before it is â€Å"hindering† intra-community trade.               In its practice, the Court has attached very little, if any, importance to whether national rules aim to regulate trade in goods or whether they pursue other aims. Indeed, in the case law it uses interchangeably the phrases â€Å"trading rules†,1 â€Å"all commercial rules†2, â€Å"all measures†3, â€Å"all rules†4 and â€Å"all legislation†5 to the regulatory subject matter of the national rule in question. The Court’s focus is thus on the effects, not the aim or purpose or the subject matter, of the measure in question. Similarly, regarding the second condition that the national measure be capable of â€Å"hindering† intra-community trade, the Court has consistently refused in principle to apply any de minimis test under Article 34.6 Measures which affect trade only indirectly or potentially therefore fall within the definition of a trade restriction (Torfaen Borough Council, 1989). Indeed, the Court in severa l cases has disregarded statistical evidence showing that imports have increased after a measure was introduced, on the basis that imports might have increased even more in the absence of such a measure.                Consequently, the definition of a trade restriction has become almost all-encompassing, and the legality of huge swaths of national rules therefore depend on the proportionally and justification-test enshrined in Articles 34 and 36 (ex art. 30). This in turn reduces legal certainty for both Member States and traders, and implies a significant risk of judicial overload for the Court itself. As the Sunday-trading saga illustrates, the Court is well aware of these concerns and its ruling in Keck, in relation to a particular group of national rules (i.e., selling arrangements), can be seen as an attempt to meet them. Moreover, in another line of cases, the Court in reality has come close to introducing a de minimis test (albeit at a very low threshold level) by holding that the restrictive effects which a national measure has on the free movement of goods may be too uncertain and too indirect for it to be regarded as capable of hindering trade between Member Stat es (Criminal proceedings against Alfred John Webb, 1981). The difficulty of establishing the appropriate scope of Article 34 of the Treaty is illustrated by the fact that while the Keck jurisprudence has been criticized for being too inflexible and unable to catch all genuine barriers to trade, it has been argued that the Krantz case law is too difficult to apply and therefore generates legal uncertainty. Use restrictions as measures of equivalent effect                  Against this background, let us turn to the relationship between Article 34 and national measures which allow the importation and marketing of a given product, but restrict when, where, how or by whom it may be used (hereafter â€Å"use restrictions†). Such rules are very common in national legislation. As an example, one could mention a requirement for persons to have attained a particular age before acquiring or using the product, such as a rule preventing minors from purchasing and/or drinking alcohol. The notion also covers rules prohibiting the use of the product in certain places or at certain times, like a ban on the use mobile phones in airplanes or a prohibition on the use of fireworks save for a few days of the year. Other examples would be local planning rules prohibiting the use of a given kind of brick or tile for the construction of houses in a particular area or a ban of certain activities for which a good is normally used, for examp le a ban on hunting with dogs and horses.                  Considering the vast number of such rules, it is important to consider whether use restrictions should be regarded as trade restrictions at all, and if so, how intrusive they must be to be caught by Article 34. Even a prohibition on wearing a particular type of clothing, such as a burka, in public places is arguably covered by this concept. On the one hand, the aim of such rules is normally not to regulate trade. Moreover, they generally do not affect the sale of imported goods more than they affect the sale of domestic goods. Finally, with a literal reading of Article 34 of the Treaty and the Court’s own ruling in Dassonville, it may be questioned how rules which do not limit the importation and marketing of the relevant product, but merely regulate how it may be used after its sale, can be said to constitute â€Å"trading rules†( Procureur du Roi, 1974). On the other hand, it is clear that some limitations on how a product may be used can negatively affect sales and import to a very significant extent. Indeed, whereas a prohibition on using mobile phones in airplanes hardly has any such effect, a ban on using fireworks all year except on 31 December is likely to (greatly) reduce demand for, and thus sales and import of, that good. Similarly, one may imagine that a ban on the use of SUVs in congested urban zones would constitute an efficient means for diminishing sales and import of such cars to the benefit of more environmentally friendly vehicles. Still, while it may be relatively easy to accept that rules completely banning the use of a given product constitute measures with equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction, it may be questioned whether rules merely limiting its lawful use need to be subject to a common European judicial control as to their legitimacy, suitability and necessity. To answer this question, it is, in our view, necessary to consider the practical and economic effect on trade of rules rest ricting the lawful use of goods. An argument can be made that, with the exception of (virtually) complete bans on use, the effects of use restrictions differ fundamentally from the effects of product related rules, and that use restrictions should rather be compared to selling arrangements. Part B               Restrictions of the free movement of goods are prohibited by Art 34 TFEU. Art 56 and Art 57 TFEU provide the same prohibition with regard to the freedom to provide and receive services. Up until now, the case law on restrictions of the free movement of goods has been far more extensive and nuanced, especially with the distinction between â€Å"product requirements† and â€Å"certain selling arrangements† made in the famous Keck-decision. However, with an increasing case load the Court’s attention seems to have gradually shifted to Art 56 and Art 57 TFEU. Even though goods and services are covered by separate Treaty provisions, it has been argued that the restriction of those two market freedoms requires equal treatment because of their substantial similarities and the fact that they are economically often strongly related. This close relation is, for example, visible in the area of advertising. In answering the question of whether a nation al ban on advertising is restricting, the focus could lie either on the advertised product or on the advertising service. The Court itself has held that, in the field of telecommunications, it is difficult to determine generally whether it is free movement of goods or freedom to provide services which should take priority, because the two aspects are often intimately linked. As A.G. Jacobs pointed out in Sà ¤ger, it is sometimes even difficult to distinguish between goods and services. An educational service could for example be provided by sending books or video-cassettes to a recipient in another Member State. In this situation there are both reasons to deal with this situation under Art 34 TFEU, as well as under Art 56 TFEU.                Sometimes a differentiation becomes even more elusive. In situations where only the service itself moves – for example by cable or through the internet – the only difference to the sale of goods is the immaterial nature of the offered service in contrast to the material nature of the good.6 Because of this close relation between goods and services, a different treatment of restrictions according to the choice of legal basis would seem arbitrary in many cases. In this paper, I will analyze the relationship between restrictions of the free movement of goods and the freedom to provide services; Is there a uniform restriction approach under Art 34 and Art 56 TFEU, and can the Keck-distinction between product requirements and certain selling arrangements be transposed into the field of services?( Procureur du Roi, 1974). It arises that both restriction-tests are based on the same principles of mutual recognition and nondiscrimination. Further, there is no need for a separate principle of market access because market access is the aim of the restriction test rather than an independent restriction criterion. Finally, it will be demonstrated that there is a need for the establishment of the categories of service requirements and arrangements for the provision of services under Art 56 TFEU equivalent to the Keck-judgment. Restriction of the Free Movement of Goods                   Art 34 TFEU prohibits quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect. The wording of the provision, especially with regards to equivalently effective measures, is not inherently clear. As a consequence, the Court of Justice was given great discretion in interpreting and defining the scope of application of Art 34 TFEU. The Dassonville case in 1974 was the first opportunity the Court took to address the question of what national legislation could, in principle, constitute a measure having equivalent effect. The Court decided to give Art 34 TFEU a very broad meaning and stated that such measures are, â€Å"all trading rules enacted by Member States which are capable of hindering directly or indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-[union] trade†. In the important decision Cassis de Dijon the Court also established the principle of mutual recognition (Bond van Adverteerders and, 1988). According to this, Member State s are prohibited from restricting the sale of goods that have been lawfully produced under the rules of another Member State. The restriction is prohibited even if it results from the application of national regulations that do not distinguish between national and imported products (indistinctly applicable measures). The principle of mutual recognition seeks to prevent putting a double burden on imported products by requiring them to comply with two different sets of rules. If the product complies with the home State rules, any other Member State must in general accept that product on its market.                Controversy arises when the principle of mutual recognition and the principle of home.               State controls are used synonymously. In a broad interpretation mutual recognition is defined as a mechanism of allocation of regulatory competence to the country of origin designed to avoid a dual regulatory burden (Graziana Luisi and Giuseppe Carbone, 1984). Others put the focus on functional parallelism and the created further regulatory space for the host State control through the creation of the mandatory requirements exception. The host State can invoke those mandatory requirements, also known as public interest requirements, to justify the national rule and thus keep its regulatory power. However one wants to look at it, it is clear from the case law that there is no automatic recognition or unrestricted regulatory power of the home State because it is limited by the acceptance of mandatory requirements and the principle of functional equivalence. Therefore whenever home State control is mentioned, it has to be borne in mind that it is just a general as sumption of the allocation of regulatory power which can be rebutted.                   As a consequence of the extensive interpretation of Art 34 TFEU by the Court in Dassonville, nearly every national regulation could be brought under judicial scrutiny because it potentially constituted a hindrance to trade. While many consider Dassonville to be judicial activism beyond acceptable bounds, it must be seen in the context of the action or non-action of other European powers. Before the Dassonville decision Member States made little systematic effort to remove non-tariff barriers (Graziana Luisi and Giuseppe Carbone, 1984). The unanimity requirement for Council decisions led to political quasi-inactivity in the 1960s. In response, the Commission issued in 1969 the Directive 70/5017 which gave measures with equivalent effect an expansive reading and listed 19 types of prohibited rules and practices. All these factors influenced the Court in taking quasi-legislative action, becoming itself the driving force for the building of a common market. The most important consequence of Dassonville and following cases was that the Court empowered the main interest group for removing trade barriers, the European traders and producers, to challenge national legislation. Therefore, the pressure was on the Member States to justify legislation contrary to Art 34 TFEU. Limitation by Keck                   The Court’s case law constituted a great incentive to move towards a common market, but the breadth of the Dassonville-formula turned out to be a double-edged sword. The formula, which did not seem to provide limits to judicial review, was increasingly used as an instrument to attack any national legislation which stood in the way of free trade – like the famous Sunday trading cases show – and this led to an overload of cases. Moreover, national courts clearly signaled their disagreement with the lack of sensible limits and guidelines by simply not applying the formula. Finally, the Court faced heavy criticism in academic literature. These developments led to the important Keck decision in 1993. In this decision the Court limited the scope of judicial review regarding indistinctly applicable measures by adopting a differentiation suggested by academics (Bond van Adverteerders and, 1988). The differentiation was made between product r equirements on the one hand, which regulate the composition, packaging or presentation of a product, and certain selling requirements on the other, which only regulate the place, time and manner of selling products.                  According to the Court, product requirements are always considered to have equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction on trade, because they put a double burden on foreign products which already had to comply with their national requirements. In contrast, certain selling arrangements do not fall within the scope of Art 34 TFEU, provided that those provisions apply to all affected traders operating within the national territory and provided that they affect in the same manner, in law and in fact, the marketing of domestic products and those from other Member States. This is because they do not prevent the access of foreign goods to the market or impede the access of foreign goods more than they impede the access of domestic products. With Keck the Court moved on from its approach in Dassonville and decided that, whereas the producing State is responsible for rules on product requirements which have to be recognized by the importing State (which had al ready been decided in Cassis), the importing State has in general the sole regulatory competence regarding certain selling arrangements provided that they do not discriminate products from other Member States in law or in fact. With the decisions in Cassis and Keck and the creation of mandatory requirements, the Court established a complex framework for the split in competence between the home State and the host State. Even though the Keck-decision was much criticized, the court nevertheless continuously applied the established distinction between product requirements and certain selling arrangements in later cases (Manfred Sà ¤ger, 1991). It ruled, for example, that there was no breach of Art 34 TFEU in cases of time limitations to the sale of goods or the provision that certain products can be sold only by licensed retailers. Nevertheless, if the selling arrangement is either discriminatory (in fact) or capable of imposing a double burden33, the Court will find a breach of Art 34 TFEU (Bond van Adverteerders and, 1988). Although the distinction has its shortcomings, especially because certain measures, such as advertisement regulations, cannot be put in one of the two categories, the Court has continually and successfully applied the Keck framework until today. However, in addition to the distinction between product requirements and certain selling arrangements, the rather elusive notion of â€Å"market access† and â€Å"market access test† has played a more and more prominent part in the academic discussion and in the Court’s case law. Two recent cases – Commission v. Italy (trailers) and Mickelsson and Roos36 – have given again cause to argue that the Court has put the focus back on a purely nondiscriminatory market access approach. I will now first analyze the notion of market access and then address the question of whether a market access test fulfills a separate function beside the distinction between product requirem ents and certain selling arrangements. I contend that the case law on market access can be traced back to the same principles that underlie the Keck-case law, being non-discrimination and mutual recognition, and that there is thus no need for a restriction test based on market access. References Case 8/74, Procureur du Roi v. Benoà ®t and Gustave Dassonville, [1974] ECR 837 Case 33/74, J.H.M. Van Binsbergen v. Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging voor de Metaalnijverheid, [1974] ECR 1299 Case 74/76, Iannelli & Volpi SpA v. Ditta Paolo Meroni, [1977] ECR 557 Case 279/80, Criminal proceedings against Alfred John Webb, [1981] ECR 3305 Joined Cases 286/82 & 26/83, Graziana Luisi and Giuseppe Carbone v. Ministero del Tesoro, [1984] ECR 377 Case 188/84, Commission v. France (woodworking), [1986] ECR 419 Case 352/85, Bond van Adverteerders and others v. The Netherlands State, [1988] ECR 2085 Case C-145/88, Torfaen Borough Council v. B & Q plc, [1989] ECR 3851 Case C-288/89, Stichting Collectieve Antennevoorziening Gouda and others v. Commissariaat voor de Media, [1991] ECR I-4007 Case C-76/90, Manfred Sà ¤ger v. Dennemeyer & Co. Ltd, [1991] ECR I-4421 Source document

Friday, August 30, 2019

Epidemiology: Global and Public Health Essay

The purpose of this paper is to describe the history of public health, including pertinent dates and significant events and the different aspects of public and community-based health. Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals (Winslow, 1920). It is concerned with threats to health based on population health analysis. The population in question can be as small as a handful of people or as large as all the inhabitants of several continents (for instance, in the case of a pandemic). The dimensions of health can encompass â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†, as defined by the United Nations World Health Organization. Public health incorporates the interdisciplinary approaches of epidemiology, biostatistics and health servic e. Environmental health, community health, behavioral health and occupational health are other important subfields. The focus of public health intervention is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health conditions, through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behaviors. Promotion of hand washing and breastfeeding, delivery of vaccinations, and the distribution of condoms to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases are examples of common public health measures. The origins of the Public Health Service can be traced to the passage of an act in 1798 that provided for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen. Reorganization in 1870 converted the loose network of locally controlled hospitals into a centrally controlled Marine Hospital Service, with its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The position of Supervising Surgeon (later Surgeon General) was created to administer the Service, and John Maynard Woodworth was appointed as the first incumbent in  1871. The commissioned officer corps (now known as the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service or the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps) was established by legislation in 1889. At first open only to physicians, over the course of the twentieth century, the Corps expanded to include veterinarians, dentists, Physician Assistants, sanitary engineers, pharmacists, nurses, sanitarians, scientists, and other health professionals. Quarantine was originally a state function rather than federal, but the National Quarantine Act of 1878 vested quarantine authority to the Marine Hospital Service and the National Board of Health. The National Board was not reauthorized by Congress in 1883 and its powers reverted to the Marine Hospital Service. Over the next half a century, the Marine Hospital Service increasingly took over quarantine functions from state authorities. As immigration increased dramatically in the late nineteenth century, the Federal Government also took over the proce ssing of immigrants from the states, beginning in 1891. Because of the broadening responsibilities of the Service, its name was changed in 1902 to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and again in 1912 to just the Public Health Service. As the century progressed, PHS commissioned officers served their country by controlling the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox and yellow fever, conducting important biomedical research, regulating the food and drug supply, providing health care to underserved groups, supplying medical assistance in the aftermath of disasters, and in numerous other ways. Today the mission of the Commissioned Corps of the PHS is â€Å"Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation.† The Public Health Service Act of 1944 structured the United States Public Health Service (PHS) as the primary division of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services. As one of the United States seven uniformed services, the PHS Commissioned Corps fills public health leadership and service roles within federal government agencies and programs. The PHS Commissioned Corps includes officers drawn from many professions, including environmental and occupational health, medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, psychology, social work, hospital administration, health record administration, nutrition, engineering, science, veterinary, health information technology, and other health-related  occupations. Agencies within the Public Health Service are: * Administration for Children and Families (ACF) * Administration on Aging (AoA) * Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) * Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) * Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) * Federal Occupational Health (FOH) * Food and Drug Administration (FDA) * Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) * Indian Health Service (IHS) * National Institutes of Health (NIH) * Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) According to â€Å"CHHS† (2007), â€Å"The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) oversees twelve departments and one board that provide a range of health care services, social services, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment services, income assistance and public health services to Californians from all walks of life. Major programs include no-cost and low-cost health care coverage for low-income Californians (Medi-Cal); income support for the aged, blind or disabled (SSI/SSP); income support for CalWORKs recipients, low-cost public health insurance (Healthy Families) for children from working families. Other large programs administered by CHHS departments include food stamps, child welfare services, in-home supportive services, support for the developmentally disabled, foster care, mental health services, drug and alcohol treatment, and vocational rehabilitation. CHHS directly serves millions of Californians in health and human service programs, while touching the lives of all Californians through statewide efforts such as public health protection and emergency preparedness and response.† Public Health Nursing Practice is the synthesis of nursing theory and public health theory applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations. The focus of practice is the community as a whole and the effect of the community’s health status (resources) on the health of individuals, families, and groups. Care is provided within the context of preventing disease and disability, and promoting and protecting the health of the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). It is mainly composed of the following areas: Behavioral Science/Health Education, Biostatistics, Emergency Medical Services, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Health Services Administration/Management, International/Global Health, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Public Health Laboratory Practice, Public Health Policy, Public Health Practice (â€Å"What Is Public Health?†, n.d.). Community Health Nursing Practice is the synthesis of nursing theory and public health theory applied to promoting, preserving, and maintaining the health of populations through the delivery of personal health care services to individuals, families, and groups. The focus of practice is to preserve the health of individuals, families, and groups and the effect of their health status on the health status of the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Community nursing works with the individual in hospitals, nursing homes, home healthcare, and hospice. Nurses in this field work in government and private agencies, clinics, and other private settings. They focus on populations, working with individuals, groups, and families to improve the overall health of communities. They educate about health care issues, disease prevention, nutrition, and childcare, and also work with community leaders, teachers, parents, and physicians in community health education. In conclusion, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. Its’ vision is Healthy People in Healthy Communities. Its’ mission is to Promote Physical and Mental Health and Prevent Disease, Injury, and Disability. This is accomplished by preventing epidemics and the spread of disease; protecting against environmental hazards; preventing injuries; promoting and encouraging healthy behaviors; responding to disasters and assists communities in recovery; and, assures the quality and accessibility of health services. Through public education, health promotion and disease prevention, the public will have the opportunity to take control of their own personal health. Research and analysis help to guide recommendations and teaching. As new information is discovered, the teaching for health promotion changes. Public health is put into action by  legislation and political acts. Community healthcare may be for profit, nonprofit or government run healthcare delivery systems for individuals. Policy and recommendations are done through public health and delivered through community health. Public health nursing is vital to the health and well-being of the nation as a whole. References CHHS. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.chhs.ca.gov/Pages/default.aspx Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Population-centered health care in the community (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. U.S. Department of Health &Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/about/ What is Public Health?. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.whatispublichealth.org/what/index.html Winslow, Charles-Edward Amory (1920 Jan 9). â€Å"The Untilled Fields of Public Health†. Science 51 (1306): 23–33).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

IRB Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IRB Company - Essay Example Data Gathering Instrument(s): Not addressed from the previous review. Please include all data gathering instruments in the portfolio. IRB needs to review these. I have already included the interview guide. Let me know if you still do not have it so I upload it to you again. How will the participants be contacted about the study?Three levels of contact shall be designed. The first shall be through the use of official e-mail where the researcher shall contact the General Managers of these companies. Upon receiving a reply from the companies, the researcher shall then follow up with a telephone call to all the 8 companies. Where applicable, the researcher shall contact the companies in person to introduce the purpose of the research and the role to be played by the respondents to the managers. Who will contact the potential participants and in what manner? (in person, via email, via the phone, etc.) Also, if contact will be made at a place of business, via a business email or phone numb er, permission from that business too.Potential participants shall be human resource managers. These will first be contacted through their General Managers, using the official e-mail of the companies. Once the researcher visits the companies in person, the human resource managers shall then be contacted in person and presented with the consent forms, which will contain the purpose of the study, the role of participants, and arrangements made to secure the anonymity, confidentiality, and safety of participants.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Organzational Development The Process of Leading Orginzational Change Essay

Organzational Development The Process of Leading Orginzational Change Case Study 3,4, & 5 - Essay Example Although, they both give individual feelings and perceptions, the first data will take a lot of time because the ideas are not organized in a simpler manner. Not much difference can be noticed from the two data. While meeting Nancy we will majorly focus on the demand that are not being attended to and that need adjustment. The purpose of individual assessment of the team was to mix each other a bit so as to enhance a good understanding of one another. During this assessment it would be possible to realize areas that should be improved and what deficiency is at the working place. In addition to this, it will also ensure that the workers are able to open up to each other. The interrelation will ease the team’s interaction which will enhance maximization of an individual’s output. The instrument that is used was purposely to ensure that the workers are aware of one another discrete working style. It is good to have knowledge of your working partners’ style so as to enhance a good working environment. The instrument was introduced as a way of analyzing individual style of work. Lori describes it as way of letting the workers have a good understanding amongst them, and not to mean that was what they really are. Every member of the team needs to know what style he/she prefers when part of the team. The explanation was done well, although, an improvement on the description should have been enhanced. This is because some employees would make decision without clear understanding of what really describes them. An example is when Cindy objects the word controlling as it has been used to describe someone who seeks attention and lead the rest. She finds the term so negative. Actually controlling does not fully describe someone who follows teams’ decisions. The idea of separating the workers according to the style that they think of themselves was a good idea. They are divided to help us identify what one thinks is the best style to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Community and Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community and Domestic Violence - Essay Example Also, they should concentrate on building a family time which allows the entire family to sit together and talk. This bonding with the family will prevent the young child from needing comfort or guidance outside the house as it will be readily available at home. Also, gang violence is presented as a romanticized idea in the youth culture today: songs, movies or books. Children are easily motivated to participate in an idea that is shown as being courageous. But, telling the child to stop listening to music or go to the movies will prove to be an unfruitful idea. Social scientists and criminologists have come to the conclusion that gang violence cannot be curbed through suppression.(Goldstein & Huff 1993) Instead, talk to the child of the cons of gang violence and emphasize the need to stay away from it. Thus, prevention and intervention will prove to be a far more successful communicator than force (Conley 1993). A lot of gangs are created as a need for the individual to be recognized. The young child might see the gang as his way to achieve three minutes of fame. Parents must ensure that their child has his priorities set straight. He must be taught the difference between famous and infamous.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Essay about the provided story Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

About the provided story - Essay Example All these family excursions were great, but I had always wanted to visit California – Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, San Francisco†¦Alcatraz! I just don’t know that I was ready to completely move there. When I began at the school I struggled to meet new people and find my way within the school structure. I was convinced that there was something wrong with me, and that I had trouble meeting people because I was so extremely different that I would never be able to assimilate. Every day at 11:30 I would get a feeling of dread in my stomach knowing that I would soon have to go to lunch and amble awkwardly around, pretending that I actually had a group of people to eat with, and then subtly sit down by myself at a table outside, eating, and wishing that the next bell would just ring so I could slink away to Math class. Even the quadratic formula would beat this. Mysterious Disappearance I realized that eating by myself everyday and spending my weekends watching Full House re-r uns wasn’t the most ideal way to be spending the glory days of my youth. I became frustrated. When I would sit alone I would imagine the life I wish I had. I’d watch the football players laughing with cheerleaders at their table and think they were just lame anyways. I was smart. I thought about things like philosophy and books and Ernest Hemingway. So I’d continue eating my sandwich and watch other groups. One day as I was sitting there, observing people, I noticed two guys walking quickly away from the cafeteria, looking around like they were going to escape from prison or something, and then quickly disappear into the woods. I had no idea where they had gone but I was curious. The next day, after I went through the lunch line and got my hamburger, taitor tots, and milk, I walked around and then saw them standing by the vending machine talking. I had to figure out where they kept going. I sat near where they were standing and put on a happy demeanor. After a m oment they stopped talking and one of them asked me what was being sold for lunch. â€Å"Taitor tots,† I said. He laughed and then they walked off. A few moments later, to my great surprise, they came back and sat at the table with me and joked around for a bit. After they finished, they motioned to each other and said goodbye and then walked down the same path towards the woods that ran adjacent to the cafeteria. I knew they were going to enter the woods again. I still had no idea why. The next day at lunch I looked for them again, even sitting in the same place, but they weren’t there. I didn’t think much of it and the day after that forgot the incident had ever occurred. I decided I wasn’t Perry Mason and gradually lost interest. Fitting In This isn’t a story about not fitting in, however, and indeed, after a few weeks I started making an effort to talk to more people. I even met a friend name Franz. Franz was born in Austria and I thought his n ame was a little weird, but he was a cool guy and we both shared the same interests -- we were readers, played basketball, and could undeniably dominate all lesser-beings on the Playstation. Franz introduced me to his friends and eventually I moved to their table at lunch and began joking around and regaining the same social structure I had back in my hometown. The next semester I moved into the International Baccalaureate program at the school. My classes were a lot more difficult, but I appreciated the challenge and for awhile it

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Company Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Company - Essay Example It is for this reason that the company has stated emphatically that â€Å"over the past year, our company has delivered on my challenge to "broaden and accelerate" our commitment to sustainability† (Duke, 2011). As a matter of fact, corporate social responsibility cuts across several sectors of society and of a company though it has mostly been mistaken to be the benefit that society alone gets from a company. To a large extent, â€Å"Corporate social responsibility is about how businesses align their values and behavior with the expectations and needs of stakeholders including suppliers, communities, regulators, special interest groups and society as a whole† (CSR Network, 2011). Wal-Mart has been guided by this realization to ensure that social satisfaction is created not only for customers and investors but also to all other leading stakeholders. Specific mention can be made of some of milestones reached in the corporate responsibility business for Wal-Mart. To show integration of the social responsibility commitment, Wal-Mart has matured from a stage where corporate social responsibility was seen as a philanthropic add-on to a level where its corporate social responsibility pivots around â€Å"responsible consumption" and creation of "shared value†. ... This report seeks to elaborate on the Wal-Mart's Sustainability 360 approach. Wal-Mart's Sustainability 360 approach (The Slow Greening of Wal-Mart) Carbon emission has been identified to have adverse effect on humans and other living organisms. It also has unfavorable effects on other non-living components of the environment and threatens an ill-resourced future. In a report by PwC in advance of the Stern Review report published in the UK on 30 October 2006, it was documented that the effect and result of carbon emission could be more than doubling by 2050 (PwC, 2006). In most cases, when calls for carbon emission reduction are made, accusing fingers are quickly pointed to manufacturers and industrialists. One may therefore think that Wal-Mart has taken up carbon emission campaign because the company is a retailer and not directly involved in carbon production. This argument is however not justified because as a retailer, Wal-Mart deals directly with manufacturers and producers and therefore has every moral authority to campaign for a greening environment. Wal-Mart therefore targeted carbon emission as one of the component aspects of the Wal-Mart Sustainability 360 project in a program dubbed Slow Greening. In the Slow Greening Project, the company’s target is its suppliers as Roner (2007) notes that â€Å"the company’s suppliers will now be asked to measure and report the energy used to make and distribute its products.† This means that the Slow Greening Project is dedicated to both carbon emission reduction and energy efficiency and therefore very suitable for the Sustainability 360 Project. In championing the campaign, the symbol has been associated with the Slow Greening. The symbolism here is that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Individual assinment of leveraging information technology for business Essay

Individual assinment of leveraging information technology for business advantage - Essay Example Less time is wasted with e-tickets for both consumers and producers. E-tickets save many ticket-issuing steps and thus the process speed is faster for every passenger. Airlines not only save paper ticket costs but also operating costs. Travel agents also save time by skipping the process of printing paper tickets for the consumers. Consumers, on the other hand, spend less time waiting in line for check-ins. One only needs to provide a photo ID at the airport to get the boarding pass directly, without any busy paper work. Alternatively, and more efficiently, one can simply do advance check in online at home and print the boarding pass on the day of travel. For business people on tight schedules, this would be extremely convenient. They would no longer have to worry about having not enough time to wait in long lines to do check-in. Also, with unusual yet unpreventable circumstances such as airline strikes, airlines and travellers are better off with interlining e-tickets: no more delay ed flights or significant loss of profit during strikes (e-ticketing n.d para 2). It also does away with the fear of one’s ticket being lost or stolen. Like paper ticketing, e-ticketing is a way of documenting a sale, both for the passenger and for the airline. But rather than paper, the e-ticket uses a database to track the sale and use of tickets – and the database is stored and updated by the validating airline. All subsequent ticket transactions – including refunds, exchanges, check-in, void and settlement – involve this holding database. Those airlines not adapting to e-ticketing by the end of 2007 risk a number of serious disadvantages. They will not be able to sell through key third-party e-commerce providers (such as Expedia and Travelocity), they will be at a competitive disadvantage as a result of the continued high costs associated with paper tickets and settlement, and they will be more exposed to paper ticket fraud (The Smart Route to

HR and Leadership (new) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HR and Leadership (new) - Essay Example ather than decision making. For HR to be leading the department should employ effective strategy and solution to resourcing and ensuring there is talent planning and development, service delivery is at its best with well-coordinated systems of communication which involves employee engagement and relations. Thus leading HR should be determined in performance and must reward employees on good work done. Above all the human resource management should be of credible personality, driven to deliver, decisive thinkers, role model and should have courage to challenge actions in the organization. Organization is important to ensure delivery of services and attainment of objectives if structural changes are effectively managed (Woodrow, 2012). Organizational structure of any firms matters a lot as if it’s well organized it will be easy to effect changes because the values , believes and attitudes set by an organization so there is well spelt out procedure on how everything is coordinate d in the organization including , communication systems and responds to the environment. Strategic human resource management relies mostly on resource based view of the firm which suggests human resource practices leads to high performance and sustained in competitive environment. Top management should ensure high technology is employed in firms to enable HR practices build up mentoring, give incentives to performing workers and also enable performance appraisal which encourages development of working relationship (Collins&Clark, 2003). HRM and worker performance Human resource development can be achieved be ensuring you hire only qualified individuals with potential of learning and adapting to changes and training them to increase their performance and increasing knowledge assets in the organization. Human resource management creates value and increases firm’s performance and also increases interactions between employees and customers which in turn shapes customers perspecti ve of the quality of service they obtain from the firm. If the employee put time and effort in satisfying customers’ needs this increases customers buying behavior and trust in the firms products hence the firm is able to maintain existing customers and all gain new ones as customer experience ultimately attracts new clients. Commitment of human resource department, impact the willingness of employee to satisfy customer’s needs and the general performance of the firm (McClean, 2009). HR departments have being viewed as the greatest assets in any organization and are actively involved in selection , training and ensuring changes are implemented to increase the performance of the firm is competitive in the current environment which translates to good results both financially and product wise . HR department must comply with the organizations objectives in order to ensure that any changes they impose are compatible with the client’s needs. Before any change is prop osed should be wide consultation among top management to ensure it’

Friday, August 23, 2019

Education Inquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Education Inquiry - Essay Example Blalock states that he wrote the book to confront the perennial problems that all social scientists face and it was his desire to ask two questions. Those two questions are, "Why aren't we doing better, and how can we improve" (Blalock, 1984, p 6). In order to answer those two questions, we as social scientists/researchers must understand the background and environment in which we must toil. There are a number of "very tough intellectual challenges stemming from the complexity of the social world we are attempting to study" (Blalock, 1984, p 6). Blalock points out that we need to understand those intellectual challenges and the interplay of our individual intellectual backgrounds, interests and behaviors with those challenges. The answers to these questions are what we consider as we continue the process of research. James M. Black said that "One of the most important features of the training of research scholars is the acquisition of skills required to conduct sound scientific investigations" (Black, 1976, pg 6). We understand that there are a number of pitfalls and bias that w... ntly will encounter as individuals in attempting research projects and that we will need to understand what and who we are in order to be proficient in our jobs and careers.. If we first work at gaining the skills that we need to answer those questions then our projects will be more readily presentable and understood by those we are attempting to influence. One of the understandings that we must address is the characteristics of scientific research. Black says that "sociology has the following characteristics of science; 1. sociology is empirical, 2. sociology is theoretical, 3. sociology is cumulative, 4. sociology is non-ethical" (Black, 1976, p 5). The book goes on to explain that empirical means that it is based on observation and reasoning, theoretical is the attempt to summarize complex observations in abstract, logically related propositions, cumulative shows how sociological theories build upon one another and that by being non-ethical means that sociologists do not ask whether particular social actions are good or bad, they merely seek to explain them. Social Research/ pg 3 The non-ethical statement could be the most important one of the four. As social scientists, a problem that we will almost always (in ourselves) is the urge to judge social actions, and present them as good or bad. That is not our job when conducting a research project. Our job should be conducted along the lines of maintaining the research process with stringent guidelines. As social scientists we must adhere to those guidelines in order for our presentation(s) of the material to be taken seriously. If we advocate the use of the material in certain ways, whatever ways those are, then we are no longer social scientists but could be considered as social advocates.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers Essay Example for Free

You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers Essay Every person undergoes difficulty in life. Experiences in life may cause troubles in our way of thinking and sometimes even affects our principles. In the novel, â€Å"You Shall Know Our Velocity† by Dave Eggers, the character of Will Chmlielewski experienced difficulty in the form of losing his friend (Jack) and being beaten. He intended to help Jack with the large amount of money that he got but no avail. It was hard not to be able to do something to avoid the death of a friend especially when you are very much willing to do anything in your power to shun it. Nobody couldn’t blame Will for feeling lost and hurt. Because of his hurt and disappointment, he felt that the money in his hands was a burden that he had to get rid of it as quick as he possible. Will together with his other friend Hand went to different countries to give away the money supposedly intended to save their friend Jack. They thought that when they give away the money to people who need it, they will somehow help in restoring hope to people’s perception. The two realized along the way that it is not easy to give away just like that. People have to earn their blessings or the help that they receive. Both the giver and the receiver should exert effort in achieving humanity. If people like Will and Hand will just give away money without any particular reason or purpose, there is a very huge possibility that others may take advantage of them or worse, even rob them. In real life, it feels good to be able to help without anything in return. However, even with the purest intentions, one should always be on the look out against abusive people. The effort of generosity and humanity might be put to waste if people who need it don’t receive it because of the people who take advantage of it. There is no doubt that everybody needs help in one way or another. Not all help are material in nature; some need emotional help. So what should be done to make sure that the one that you’re helping deserves your care? The simple answer is – let him earn it. Earning it has different ways. May it be proving that he is trustworthy or showing his sincerity. The novel is a fiction. Nevertheless, the gestures of Will and Hand in the novel would bring relief to a lot of people if they were true. Some may find their deeds crazy, but it’s touching. They didn’t contain themselves in rendering help only in their town. They rather took time to travel around the world to spread it. The amount of money that they were giving away isn’t an issue. What’s important is the message that they trying to convey by their actions. No matter how desperate and hopeless you are, your unpleasant experiences shouldn’t be a hindrance in the distribution of happiness, hope and love. One’s own frustrations, desperations and sorrows may become a tool in getting over the same things. It’s just a matter of seeing the light side of it. When you know that it is difficult to be unhappy, share happiness. Eventually, you yourself will feel grace. People have different ways in comforting themselves and getting out of a difficult situation. Some people act crazy, some stay inside their rooms and mourns until they dry their tears from crying and some focus their attention to something that will keep them busy. Will and Hand chose to be crazy but humane. Their means may look crazy but their intention is good. They give relief to people’s misery and needs which in turn give them satisfaction and medium to get rid of their sorrow. The meaning of the novel is very deep. The characters and gestures of Will and Hand may seem comical satires but a close look at their temperaments shows good heart. Their adventures different cultures and how they managed to get along with them even with their ignorance. Ultimately, the author wants to show that even in a modern time like ours, humanity is still alive.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance of ‘True and Fair View of Financial Statements

Importance of ‘True and Fair View of Financial Statements Introduction This essay focuses on the definition of the ‘true and fair view’ and how to use in accounting practically. In my opinion, ‘true and fair view’ is essential in the real world of accounting because the company has to provide reliable and relevant information to demonstrate its actual financial situation in financial report. However, from December 2013, the ‘true and fair view’ is not defined in Corporations Act s. 295(4)(d) and other regulations or legislations. This is because it has been a controversial debate towards whether the exact nature of ‘true and fair view’. Therefore, the following essay will explain the importance of the ‘true and fair view’ in terms of the appropriate disclosure of material matters in financial statement and the frustration in terms of the definition as well. What is True and Fair? The ‘true and fair view’ concept is one of two competing but not mutually exclusive legal standards for financial reporting quality that have been subject to debate on their meaning, use and importance. The other is ‘present fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles’ (GAAP). The mainly prescriptive literature suggests that each regime that requires compliance with ‘true and fair view’ tends to address and interpret the concept according to specific historical, social, cultural, political and economic roots and environments (Deegan Michael 2012). The nature of truth, whether absolute or relative, it is the existence of a reality, an unquestionable thing, or as an abstract concept, either dependent or independent of believers. The interpretation equated with the truth and fairness to the relevance together with adequate disclosure in financial report. In accounting concept, ‘True and fair view’ indicates that the financial statement must not contain material misstatement and actually reflect the financial performance and position on the company(Deegan Michael 2012). To be specific, ‘True’ means the financial statement accord with the reality and formal reporting framework such as conceptual framework and free from any unreal information which could mislead the users. ‘Fair’ means the information in financial statement do not include any personal prejudice or bias thus it could reflect the economic substance or transaction. The Importance of True and Fair in Accounting The Corporations Act requires the accountants to provide true and fair information so that the accounts of the company can convey a true and fair view explicitly. Under s. 297, it is required that the financial statements and notes should to give a true and fair value of the entity’s financial position in the financial year. Moreover, s. 308 requires auditors to give a true and fair view in the annual financial statements and comply with accounting standards. Beside to the Corporations Act, Chastney (1975) suggests that fairness means that, in order to achieve a true and fair view financial reports should present information both impartially and in a manner that a reader can understand clearly. The concepts of truth and fairness are of great significance to ensure the accounting information to be reliable. The information reflected in the financial repot includes the measurements of assets and liabilities, the calculation of profit and capital, as well as the actual quantities involved in business activities (Ryan 1988). The information disclosed in financial statements should be fair to shareholders, public and other related stakeholders. Thus, directors and auditors in a company have an obligation to comply with the ‘true and fair value’ in all accounting activities. For example, four particular information should be disclosed in the financial statement. These information are required to be true and fair to reflect the financial performance and position of the company. The four information needs are:capital maintenance, stewardship. Liquidity and net realizable value. From the perspective of true and fair, these four information are required as follows: Capital maintenance need to satisfy the needs of shareholders for disclosing the annual profit legally available for dividend, retained profit and the amount and form of paid-up capital. Stewardship need to satisfy the needs for disclosing the results achieved by directors from the use of funds and whether the investment are following the objective of the company (Power 2010). Liquidity are quired to serve as an indication to the solvency. The information should clarify the abilities of companies to met liabilities in short term, the amount of bank overdraft and the amount of any securities to secured company’s debts (Chastney 1975). Net realizable value disclosure are needed to make sure shareholders do not sell their shares which are parts of net realizable value but was available to the company. Under these interpretations, the measurement of periodic profit based on detail monetary model, which elaborate the demand and actual application of how fairness reflected in the financial statement (Gaffikin, Dagwell Wines 2004). Moreover, all the measurements should be internally consistent and comply with the applying of the accounting System.The value of the true and fair view also reflect the compliance of the transactions with relevant regulations, statutory provision and other accounting standard. For example, the accounting policies applied in the organization should be appropriate to a accompany’s business, and the acquirements and recommendations in accounting standards can be practical in the use of achieving company’s actual financial objectives (Aisbitt Nobes 2001). Specially, AASB 1001 requires the accounting policies should to ensure the substance of the underlying transactions or other events , satisfying the concepts of relevance and reliability (AASB). This demands the actual economic nature and effect of the events to be reported. At last, the truth and fairness also make contributions to the company’s decision making. This is because the relevance and reliability has b een ensured and the managers can predict the future perspective according to the useful information reported in the financial statement (Ijiri Jaedicke 2004). How to define True and Fair? However, True and fair concept is not yet defined by authority, also some way to define that in view of its relationship to the various components of a true and fair. (Lee, 1982) There is also no legal concept prescribe the notion of true and fair. Sometimes the application of ‘true and fair valve’ go far beyond of technical rules of accounting (Aisbitt Nobes 2001). For example, stemming from the meaning of ‘compliance with the facts’, ‘truth’ refers to ‘empirical correspondence’ in accounting terminology. But in practical accounting, the value of truth is not limited to its literal definition. It also expand to deductive validity in audit process. Further more, the application of fair also involved in the appropriate general accounting model for measurement of periodic profit and capital. That is to say, there is no fixed standard to rule what is exactly the meaning of ‘true and fair value’ in practical accounting. On the other hand, although true and fair view is really essential in accounting framework, however, in real life sometimes it is quite hard for the accountant to make absolute right decision in terms of following absolute truth and fairness. For example, in the process of determining the depreciation, several methods are available such as declining balance method, maximum amount method, multi-level method and the basic method (Ryan 1988). In most cases, several options are accessible and reasonable, but different methods could lead to different calculation answers, affecting the estimation of company’s financial performance. When the accountant put the formula into the reality, they have to take into account the company’s position and financial performance target, then making the optimal decision (Lee 1982). In this situation, the concept of ‘true and fair view’ do not have fixed rules and the accountant may use the professional judgment to make the final decision. Conclusion To conclude, true and fair value are of great concern in accounting, especially in financial statements. The idea that true and fair value measurement is part of professional identification in terms of the releasability and relevance of the information disclosed in the financial report. However, in most cases, the technical standard setting of true and fair value are not obvious and uniform, which address impediment to real practicability of the interpretations. This is because the notions of relevance and reliability cannot be defined independently of the whole accounting system and are always subject to changes (Power 2010). Reference list Aisbitt, S Nobes, C 2001, ‘The true and fair view requirement in recent national implementations’, Accounting and Business Research, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 83-90 Australian Accounting Standard Board 2010, Complied AASB Standard AASB 117, Australian Government Australian Accounting Standards Board, Australia. Chastney, JG 1975, True and fair view: a study of the history and meaning of true and fair and a consideration of the impact of the fourth directive, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, London Deegan C., 2012 Australian Financial Accounting, 7th ed, McGraw-Hill, Nth Ryde Gaffikinà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ Mà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ Dagwellà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ R Winesà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ G 2004à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ Corporate accounting in Australiaà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ 3rd editionà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ University of New South Wales Press Ltdà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ NSW Ijiri, Y Jaedicke, R 2004, ‘Reliability and objectivity of accounting measurements’, The Accounting Review, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 471–483. Lee, TA 1982, ‘The will-o-the-wisp of true and fair’, The Accountant, vol. 187, no. 5601, pp. 16-18. Power, M 2010, ‘Fair value accountin: financial economics and the transformation of reliability’, Accounting and Business Research, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 197-210. Ryan, JB 1988, A True and Fair View: A Revised Accounting Interpretation, University of Wollongong, Wollongong

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Man With The Movie Camera

The Man With The Movie Camera Dziga Vertovs 1929 film, The Man with the Movie Camera, documents life in a Russian city while also telling a story about filmmaking. The film is a dazzling mix of imagery and technique, inviting the viewer to see the city through the eyes of the cameraman, and to share his perception of the events and visions that he encounters through the filmmaking process. This review will examine the films narrative line and its underlying themes, its use of genre and generic traditions, the cinematic techniques employed and the effectiveness of its approach to the material. At the beginning of the film, The Man with the Movie Camera defines itself as something out of the ordinary. In the opening credits, the title cards refer to the film as an experiment in the cinematic communication of visible events, executed without the aid of intertitles, without the aid of a scenario, without the aid of a theater (Vertov). From the outset, the film distinguishes itself by aiming to explore the pure essence of film-to document and record human life and activity in the form of moving pictures. The Man with the Movie Camera is split into four sections, and is book-ended by imagery relating to film and filmmaking. It opens in a cinema and closes with the lens of a camera shutting its eye. From a narrative perspective, the film is different from the norm in that it has no typical protagonist or antagonist. If a main character had to be defined, he would be the cameraman, with his main supporting character being the editor. The city and its inhabitants as a unified entity also become a major character in the film, showing how they interact with each other in the daily routine of work, rest and leisure through the perspective of the filmmaker. The movie is predominantly concerned with depicting reality, rather than dramatized fiction or re-creations of historic events. The films story is constructed in an unconventional narrative style, but is brought together through the recurring theme of the camera and the filmmaker. The events in the film take place over the course of a day, and although Vertov experiments with geographical and temporal continuity, the audience is given enough information to piece together the plot. Upon first viewing, this plot may not be entirely clear, but as Roberts confirms, The Man with the Movie Camera does have a plot (1). Each section of the film covers the different parts of the day (work, rest and leisure), and through this, Vertov establishes images which provide the visual language which is brought into play throughout the length of the film. By layering this imagery through editing and montage, and combining them with the underlying story of the filmmaker and his camera, the overarching narrative is tied together. Roberts explains that all human life is here from birth to death via childhood, marriage, divorce, wo rk, rest and play (2). This avant-garde style of filmic storytelling became popular in the form of the city symphony genre. Dimendberg explains that the genre encompasses around twenty titles and relies heavily upon montage to represent a cross-section of life in the modern metropolis (109). In adhering to this genre, The Man with the Movie Camera does away with the traditional trappings of the documentary and becomes something different. There is no narration, no conventional narrative or plot elements, but rather a succession of rhythmic imagery detailing the inner workings of a city. Graf describes the genres structure as having a dawn to dusk strategy in the search for a pure film form (79). Vertov employed many cinematic techniques to achieve the incredible momentum of imagery found in the film. These techniques included split-screen, slow motion, freeze-frame, fast motion, and stop-motion animation. The stop-motion animation sequence where the camera seems to come alive and walk around on its tripod remains startling even today. When juxtaposed with the everyday motions of human life which the film presents, it becomes clear that the camera itself has a life of its own. It has its own perception of events separate from that of the filmmaker, and separate from that of the audience. The diversity of techniques used makes the film a showcase of the power of cinema and its ability to transform everyday life into something completely different, with its own rhythm and sense of unpredictability. The editing in The Man with the Movie Camera is one of the films strongest points. There is a segment which contrasts challenging footage of a birth with that of a funeral. As one life ends, another begins. Similarly, there is a scene of marriage, with joyous atmosphere and smiling faces. In contrast, Vertov inserts a somber scene of a couple signing their divorce papers. These binary oppositions are ubiquitous throughout the film, with juxtapositions between work and play, play and rest, man and machine, and many others. The musical score also brings much life and energy to the film. The repeated themes complement the visual language that Vertov established. According to Feldman, Vertov carefully planned the musical score and may well have intended the work to be made as the first Soviet sound film (qtd in Barsam 74). The synchronicity between sound effects and onscreen action creates an impressive and exciting mosaic of audio and imagery. While the film is certainly a product of its time, it holds up surprisingly well in modern day. Barsam states that the film was well-received in the domestic and international press (74). The inventive narrative construction and the multitude of cinematic techniques placed the film genuinely ahead of its time. Vertov was successful in his attempt at documenting Russian life in a city without many of the normal elements typically found in documentaries. He managed to show an impressive cross-section of Russian society, by following the daily lives of different classes of people. The Man with the Movie Camera remains a wonderful piece of experimental cinema, and offers a fascinating view of life as it was in the Soviet 1920s.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Heroines and Subservience in Ancient Athens :: Free Essays Online

Heroines and Subservience in Ancient Athens Women throughout history have played a subordinate role to men; this holds true in even ancient Athens. Though obvious through the writing of ancient poets, playwrights, and historians this subordinate role dominates religion and its practices. Through an examination of modern and ancient sources it will become apparent that women, even goddesses, played certain roles and they did not have the freedom to step outside these roles. Despite this subordinate stature, women could still receive recognition as heroic figures by achieve the status of heroine. Shrines dedicated to women who exemplify a certain trait, usually self-sacrifice, still exist, even on the Acropolis. The dual role of honored and subservient female is a complicated issue, and deserves further examination. Greek religion permeated every pore of society. Each level of society, from the Boule to the family had its own "separate center for its religious activity" (Mikalson, 83). Tribes worshipped together at the sanctuaries of the heroes for which they were named, each deme had a patron god, and families often performed the rites of the dead at their loved ones' tombs (83). With religion and supplication of the gods as a part of daily life, it not unusual that the gods led lives similar to their human worshippers. Gods married, gave birth, had fights and fits of temper, and human desires for love and sex. For these reasons Greeks were able to turn to religion so often; Gods had experiences similar to those encountered in everyday life, and were therefore capable of offering guidance. By turning to the gods the Greeks justified many of their actions, including wars, colonization, and the subjugating of women. Athenian women tended the oikos, or household. An aristocratic woman made clothes, kept the household accounts, oversaw the slaves, and made sure everything ran smoothly so her husband could concentrate on the running of the polis. "The world of the classical polis was a man's world. Only men could attend the Assembly, vote, hold office, serve on juries, appear in court in their own right, or even own property" (Demand 1996: 228). Women were allowed in public only to fetch water from the fountain houses, and during religious processions. Women functioned only as "prostitutes for the sake of pleasure, concubines for daily care of the body, and wives for the begetting of legitimate children and [as] a reliable guardian of the contents of the house" ([Dem.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Modern Music Composition :: essays research papers fc

Modern Music Composition Composition has been an ever-changing entity in our society. Music composition is also a very alternating subject of study. You have to keep up to date when you wish to compose a piece of music. This is strictly due to the progression of music in this day in age. If you fail to study, the music you are writing may, very well, upset the music community with old or potentially outdated material. The only way to stay up to date with composition is to listen to a lot of classical music, which seems to be, without a doubt, the best music to listen to. If you have not done your research on such music, you may find yourself running out of ideas for further compositions. Music composition is the subject of this essay. Music, through the years, has changed in many ways. The musical "attitude" is determined through the overall feelings of the composer at the time, at which he or she wrote it. The "attitude" sets the overall feeling of the piece of music. If you fail to pass the feelings that you felt while you wrote the piece of music, you fail in the overall goal of the piece of music. Music composition is a very modern thing these days. It has grown because of the advanced availability of better technology. Technology, which is changing every day, has opened up new and more innovative doors. Included with the advanced technology that has brought music to life, there has also been a steady increase of musicians. This is in direct proportion with the growing number of music educators. Music, by means of instruments, has been played for thousands of years. Music composition involves three major key-points. These key-points are direction, general-knowledge, and general-insight. Through the course of this essay, you will learn what each of these three points is and the prevalent pre-requisitions required of persons to have these three abilities. Direction, being the first of the three points, gives you the sense of the music. Without direction, you would not have the urge to write the piece of music. Direction is what composers use to give the general emotion that is supposed to be perceived by the ending audience. The direction requires only one thing. That is emotion. Emotion is what a piece of music is made for. Without emotion, the piece would probably be so uninteresting that the audience would not want to listen to it. The emotion is very hard to pass on to the audience, strictly because it is what you feel.

Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt

Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut was written in 1963. "It is a satirical commentary on modern man and his madness" (back cover). It is a book that counters almost every aspect of our society. As well as satire, Vonnegut also includes apocalyptic elements in this novel. Satire, "the use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice or folly" (Webster 1193), is very prevalent in Cat's Cradle. Vonnegut hits on many aspects of human life with this satire. Government, religion, medicine, and business are just a few of these aspects. In focusing on government, Vonnegut shows us a leader ("Papa" Monzano), who attempts to create a utopia, but just like in today's society, he makes promises to his people, and then fails to fulfill them. Ironically he allows the best for himself and his staff, while his people struggle. As well, Vonnegut attacks religion with his own creatively made up religion (Bokononism) which is nothing but lies. He shows religion and science to be contradictory where religion is based ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Nature or Nurture Essay

NURTURE OR NATURE It has been long debated the importance of nature verses nurture. It is hard to prove one from the other since it is shown for them both to play major roles in the development of a child to an adult. I believe that my personality is a combination of both nature and nurture but I think that I am +more nurtured. There are so many behaviors that I have developed from the environment I grew up. I have learnt to respect all people from being influenced at school and by my parents. I have also been trained to be responsible of things such as doing my work. I learnt that if I am not responsible and don’t do my work, then I must pay bad consequences. I have also learnt from experiences that if I do what I am supposed to do, I may be rewarded for good things done. My environment has influenced me in many ways to act upon certain things automatically. Things like looking both ways before crossing the street, or other things that appear to be common sense are learnt from nurture. I have gone through many experiences in which I have learnt different lessons. These lessons have taught me how to act in my life. I know that I am very different person than my mom or my dad. I don’t have very much in common with either of them. Although we do share some of the same aspects, I feel that I am more different from them than alike. I have developed the majority of my social skills from my friends and not my parents. Most of my social life revolves around my friends, who have influenced me a lot of the decisions I make and in the way I act. I don’t socialize with my parents nearly as much as I do with my peers. I don’t think I know my parents well enough to say if I am like them when they are around their friends or not. The nature and nurture of a person can vary greatly. Sometimes there are certain things that are hard to decide whether they are inherited or learnt. I might share some qualities with my parents, but they could just be characteristics that I learnt in my life that my parents also learnt in their lives too and were not inherited. I believe that genes indicate the potential for one’s behavior and personality, and that the environment helps create the extent as to how that behavior is carried out.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Formation Of Nanocomposite For Ceramic Film Process Engineering Essay

IntroductionWe are Super Solar Sdn Bhd which is a ceramic based company that produces window solar movies. In respond to your petition to integrate the elements of green technology into the day-to-day procedures in the mill, we are subjecting this proposal to upgrade our industry by implementing the construct of green technology into the industry. Before we start let us to give a brief account on nano ceramic movies. Nano ceramic movies are particular movie bed used on difficult stuffs to protect them from wear and tear. They play a large function in maintaining the strength and quality of stuffs such as metals, plastic and many other merchandises used in industrial and consumer applications. Ceramic coatings are typically made up of particular compounds that possess stronger belongingss than regular coating. Compounds in ceramic coatings include carbides, borides, nitrides, and silicides that are difficult plenty to maintain the stuff from roll uping residue and going prone to breakage while in usage. There are two types of ceramic coatings, single-layer and multi-layer. Single-layer coatings are normally applied on already strong stuffs that are non ever exposed to damage, such as PVC plastic and non-metallic merchandises. Multi-layer coatings are used on more delicate merchandises such as fibreglass, metals and other points used for particular research lab or industrial intents. The nano ceramic movie that we produce in our mill is specifically tailored to function as shade or coat for edifice Windowss and vehicles. Our movie ( Solar Tint ) applied straight to the inside of Windowss in a place or commercial concern to organize a protective barrier against the Sun ‘s harmful infrared and ultraviolet radiation. As for automotive movies, the coatings allow a certain sum of Visible Light Transmission, while barricading out of the Sun ‘s infrared heat. The technique we are using to bring forth our nano ceramic atoms is known as Thermal Plasma where the ceramic atoms are heated to high temperature that causes vaporization of the little micron size atoms. Then, to surface the nano ceramic atoms onto Polyethylene Terephthalate or PET movies, the thermic crop-dusting method is used whereby the beginning of heat and energy is a high-temperature plasma. The nano ceramic movies are now formed. Presently there are many issues on natural resources depletion due to industrial procedures. One of the methods to get the better of this job is by implementing the rules of green technology in our industrial procedure. Green technology is the procedure and design of merchandises that conserve natural resources, and impact the natural environment every bit small as possible. The usage of green engineering besides referred as clean engineering is supposed to cut down the sum of waste and pollution that is created during production and ingestion. There are many types of green engineering such as energy, edifice, preferable buying, chemical science and besides nanotechnology. Our focal point is traveling to be chiefly on nanotechnology, efficiency maximization, energy preservation and lastingness. Nanotechnology involves pull stringsing stuffs to the smallest nanometre therefore it can be best to implement green nanotechnology is the usage of green rules in the field. Nanotechnology involves the use of stuffs at the graduated table of the nanometer, one billionth of a metre. Based on this green technology rule, we would wish to present the nano ceramic coating. Nano ceramic coatings provide non merely the usual protection of single-layer and multi-layer coatings, but besides feature thermodynamic belongingss. Nano ceramic window movies are fade and corrosion free, outliving other conventional stuff ( bleached and metals ) based movies by more than 50 % . They are known with the term spectrally selective because they reject blaze and block heat while supplying seeable light and optimal lucidity. Their alone heat control belongingss can merely be exhibited at nano graduated table and the preciseness of the fabrication procedure consequences in a thin bed with even thickness to a ccomplish a uniform, impersonal coloring material tone and public presentation.PROBLEM STATEMENT:Presently, we have been bring forthing nano ceramic movies ( Solar Shade ) used as shade and coat for Windowss in edifices and automotives with the intent of cut downing heat and seeable beam. We have been utilizing the Thermal Plasma procedure to organize nano ceramic atoms of Sn oxide from the majority Sn oxide atoms. These atoms are so used to surface the Polyethylene Terephthalate or PET movies to organize nano ceramic movies. These procedures use up enormous sum of thermic energy and are really dearly-won. There have been programs to cut down the energy ingestion and cost without compromising the quality of the merchandise. Apart from that, the competition in the ceramic movie devising industry is really high and we need to bring forth high quality nano ceramic movies that can run into the demands and demands of our clients. With the on-going argument on the benefits of implementing green engineering in our industrial procedures and programs to better our merchandise quality every bit good as cost decrease, we are doing a proposal to incorporate green engineering in the processing and production of our nano ceramic movies and take necessary steps to do more efficient nano ceramic movies.MethodologyBriefly, being a ceramic based company, we are bring forthing nanoceramic atoms, SnO2 from bulk ceramic atoms utilizing the thermic plasma method and use them to surface Polyethylene Terephthalate, PET movies that we are purchasing from a PET maker. The surfacing stuff that we are utilizing is SnO2 utilizing a thermic crop-dusting method known as Vacuum Plasma Spraying ( VPS ) . And the nano ceramic movies are formed. This films maps as solar heat control window movies for residentials and automotive. In item, the procedures involved are as follows: In nanotechnology, a atom is defined as a little object that behaves as a whole unit in footings of its conveyance and belongingss. Atoms are farther classified harmonizing to size: in footings of diameter, all right atoms cover a scope between 100 and 2500 nanometers.On the other manus, ultrafine atoms are sized between 1 and 100 nanometres. Similar to ultrafine atoms, nanoparticles are sized between 1 and 100 nanometres. Nanoparticles may or may non exhibit size-related belongingss that differ significantly from those observed in all right atoms or majority materials.There are several methods for making nanoparticles, and the method we are utilizing presently is known as thermal plasma which deliver the energy necessary to do vaporization of little micron size atoms. The thermic plasma temperatures are in the order of 10,000 K, so that solid pulverization easy evaporates. Nanoparticles are formed upon chilling while go outing the plasma part. The types of the thermic plasma torch u sed to bring forth nanoparticles are ( RF ) initiation plasmas. In RF initiation plasma torches, energy matching to the plasma is accomplished through the electromagnetic field generated by the initiation spiral. The plasma gas does non come in contact with electrodes, therefore extinguishing possible beginnings of taint and leting the operation of such plasma torches with a broad scope of gases including inert, cut downing, oxidising and other caustic ambiances. The nano atoms that are formed in the earlier measure will now be used as surfacing stuff.There are assorted thermic spraying methods for coating of nano ceramic atoms on the PET movie. One method is vacuum plasma crop-dusting ( VPS ) . As with all plasma spraying methods, the beginning of heat and energy in VPS is a high-temperature plasma. In plasma burner an discharge is produced which heats an inert gas watercourse by ionisation and recombination reactions to temperatures of up to 20,000 K. The stuff to be deposited, in this instance SnO2 is fed in pulverization signifier into this high-energy plasma watercourse with the assistance of a bearer gas. The pulverization atoms are accelerated, heated to a liquefied province and projected at high velocity onto the substrate, which causes them to flatten and organize a lamellar coating. Depending on the continuance of the crop-dusting operation surfacing thicknesses from several ?m to a few centimeter can be produced. Bulk ceramic atoms Nano ceramic atoms Thermal Plasma Vaccum Plasma Spraying PET Films Nano Ceramic FilmFigure 1: Diagram of processing of nano ceramic moviesDiscussionDesign ProcedureBelow is the suggested alteration to the current processing of movie that complies with the rules of Green Technology. The execution of green technology in the procedure and production of nano ceramic movies will give us a positive impact in the hereafter, where we will name the undermentioned impacts at the following pages. The modified nano ceramic movie is named as Green Solar Tint. The modified procedure methodological analysis: Nano ceramic atoms of Tin Oxide formed from the thermic plasma procedure ab initio is replaced by Wet Chemical Process. The PET movies are ab initio coated with nano Tin oxide atoms utilizing the Vacuum Plasma Spraying are now replaced by surfacing bed of TiN ( Ti nitride ) followed by a bed of Tin oxide utilizing the PVD ( Physical Vapor Deposition ) Method.Formation OF NANOCOMPOSITE FOR CERAMIC FILM PROCESSInitially our company used thermic plasma as our procedure to bring forth nano atoms. As our concern about green engineering, we suggested to utilize Wet Chemical Process to bring forth nano atoms. Wet chemical methods enable inexpensive, low-temperature, mass-scale fabrication paths. They produce powdered porous and heavy micro-structures that can non be realized otherwise. In wet-chemical processing, clean nano atom scatterings are deposited on the substrate at, chiefly, ambient conditions. The deposition is followed by a rapid thermic processing intervention to take liquids and organic additives, to change over precursors to the mark composing, and to set up the concluding porous and heavy micr o-structure. In the synthesis of precursor scatterings it is really of import to obtain nano atoms with a near-isometric form and a reasonably narrow atom size distribution, without the formation of secondary agglomerate constructions. In peculiar the latter requires careful control of solution and interfacial chemical science to accomplish proper colloidal stableness, during and after the synthesis procedure.Procedure OF FILM COATING USING TITANIUM NITRIDEPreviously in our ceramics movie procedure, we applied thermic crop-dusting for movie coating. Our old surfacing stuff was Tin oxide entirely. Now as we are suggesting our ceramic movie industry based on green technology, we suggest titanium nitride to be used as our surfacing stuff with a protective bed of Sn oxide. There are few procedures that can be carried out for movie coating. Those are nitriding, thin coat engineerings, thermic crop-dusting and optical maser engineering. Based on our findings sing these procedures, thin co at engineerings is sensible and more convenient to be applied for our ceramics movie industry. Nitriding and thermic spraying need a really high force per unit area and temperature to execute the procedure, where the temperature is capable of transcending boulder clay 20 000 K. Then for optical maser engineering, it requires high tech equipment for surfacing which can be really dearly-won. Hence, we are suggesting the Thin Coat Technology or specifically Physical Vapor Deposition for surfacing procedure.Thin coat engineerings1. The thin coating engineerings used with Ti are PVD ( Physical Vapor Deposition ) these are chemical/physical vapor deposition methods used to fabricate protective coatings. 2. PVD procedures are carried out under vacuity conditions. The procedure involved four stairss: vaporization, transit, reaction and deposition. Evaporation-During this phase, a mark, dwelling of the stuff to be deposited is bombarded by a high energy beginning such as a beam of negatrons or ions. This dislodges atoms from the surface of the mark, ‘vaporizing ‘ them. Transport-This procedure merely consists of the motion of ‘vaporized ‘ atoms from the mark to the substrate to be coated and will by and large be a consecutive line matter. Reaction-In some instances coatings will dwell of metal oxides, nitrides, carbides and other such stuffs. The atoms of metal will so respond with the appropriate gas during the conveyance phase. For the above measure, the reactive gases that can be used is nitrogen which is more abundant compared to methane and O. Deposition-This is the procedure of surfacing construct up on the substrate surface. In our instance, we are surfacing TiN onto the surface of PET movies.Why is our modified procedure better than the initial procedure?Thermal plasma – initial procedure used to bring forth nano atomsThermal plasmas have high temperatures up to15, 000 K because the plasmas are generated at comparatively high force per unit areas where near to atmospheric force per unit area ; they have high densenesss and are considered to be at equilibrium. Since we need a high temperature, we need a higher heat content to bring forth the temperature. In this production method, jobs arise from the residuary coarse atoms. When precursor pulverizations are injected into thermic plasma in which temperature and flow distributions exist both radially and axially, some of the precursor atoms are non evaporated wholly. The non evaporated portion, although little, necessitates an extra station separation procedureWet C hemical Process- modified procedure to bring forth nano atomsThis is the scope of techniques that are most applicable for word picture by light dispersing techniques. These are basically ‘bottom-up ‘ techniques, where they start with ions or molecules and construct these up into larger constructions. These wet chemical science techniques presently offer the best quality nano atoms from a figure of points of position. They produce nano atoms that are already in the signifier of scattering, therefore high inter-particle forces can be designed in to forestall agglomeration. The formation of sums can be reduced or eliminated. The nano atoms can be made to be really same size to within little tolerances. The chemical composing and morphology can be closely controlled.Vacuum Plasma Spraying- initial procedure used to bring forth surfacingThis system, as the name implies, uses an electric discharge as the heat beginning which is much hotter than the temperature produced by an o xy-acetylene fire. This means that higher thaw point stuffs can be deposited at higher speeds ( 200-400 m/s ) taking to high bonded strength in vacuity plasma praying. Hence higher energy ingestion is needed for surfacing procedure. Other disadvantages are that the procedure requires more expensive equipment and that it is non suited for manual operation in instance of power break.Physical Vapor Deposition. – modified procedure to bring forth surfacingPVD coatings are deposited for legion grounds. Some of the chief 1s are improved hardness and wear opposition, reduced clash and improved oxidization opposition. The usage of such coatings is aimed at bettering efficiency through improved public presentation and longer component life. They may besides let coated constituents to run in environments that the uncoated constituent would non otherwise have been able to execute. Materials can be deposited with improved belongingss compared to the substrate stuff. Almost any type of in organic stuff can be used every bit good as some sorts of organic stuffs. The procedure is more environmentally friendly than procedures such as electroplating.TinAs mentioned above, the PET movies are ab initio coated with nano Tin oxide atoms entirely are now replaced by surfacing bed of TiN ( Ti nitride ) followed by a bed of Tin oxide. Why TiN? TiN bearing movie is oxidation-resistant and has first-class scratch opposition. It besides has superior light rarefying features, peculiarly reduced seeable coefficient of reflection and decreased colour. Using TiN as a solar shield on architectural Windowss can cut down the solar heat addition during hot conditions, Ti nitride coating is the most advantageous pick for most applications because of the comparative easiness with which gaseous precursors to the coating can be formed and handled on processing equipment. A solar shade bearing Ti nitride ( TiN ) as the chief barrier is coated with a thin bed of protective transparent movie of Sn oxide. Tin oxide is believed to hold the most favourable combination of mechanical, optical and infra ruddy emmisivity belongingss to complement solar shield applications.Design OF PRODUCT ( Green Solar Tint )AutomotiveBy and large, our improved nano ceramic movies ( Green Solar Shade ) offer better heat rejection, low coefficient of reflection an d better lastingness as compared to the old ceramic movies ( Solar Shade ) that offer limited heat rejection:By cutting down intolerable heat, our nano ceramic movies cool the vehicle more expeditiously and cut down fuel ingestion. Residents are besides protected from the harmful Ultra Violet rays that are damaging to the eyes and tegument through the high Ultra Violet rejection transcending 90 % . Improves the overall comfort of drive, offers fade control and protects the vehicle by widening the life of the vehicle ‘s inside every bit good. High Infra Red heat rejection up to 96 % and auto interior temperature reduced. Reduces blaze and driving weariness therefore heightening driving comfort. Protects drivers/passengers from the Sun ‘s harmful radiation. 100 % dye-free and no stain and estimated to hold longer life rhythm than the conventional dyed and metallic movies. Extends lifetime of vehicle inside with fade protection. Improves shatter-resistance of windshields. Significant heat decrease lowers chilling burden of air-conditioning and fuel ingestion Prolongs lifetime of air-conditioning compressor and reduces replacing costs. Generally helps salvage energy and indirectly saves environment because decrease of fuel ingestion means lesser harmful gases released into the air.BuildingsConventional ceramic movies seem to filtrate out excessively much of the natural visible radiation go forthing their places excessively dark or they let in excessively much visible radiation and capable their trappingss and loved 1s to the detrimental effects of Ultra Violet beams. Whereas, our improved nano ceramic movies ( Green Solar Shade ) :Reduce the Infra-Red heat build-up in the house and besides cut off more than 90 % of the Ultraviolet rays that cause tegument jobs and attenuation of insides. While protecting valuable place trappingss and widening their lifetime, nano-ceramic movies have the added characteristic of low contemplation at dark and the position is hence non obscured. The bed of movie besides provides an added degree of safety by maintaining glass fragments together in the event of inadvertent breakage. Significant Infra-Red Heat rejection lowers chilling burden of air-conditioning ingestion Enhances interior comfort and life environment with reduced blazeCost Analysis for Nano Ceramic Films ( Solar Tint V Green Solar Tint ) .Presently our company bring forthing nano ceramic atoms from bulk ceramic atoms utilizing the thermic plasma method and use them to surface Polyethylene Terephthalate, PET movies by utilizing thermic spray techniques. We are bring forthing 150000 ft2 of nano ceramic movie per batch. The continuance which we took to finish 1 batch is 10 working yearss ( 2 hebdomads ) . The followers is the cost analysis for one batch which affecting production of nano ceramic atoms and besides surfacing procedure. Solar Shade Materials ( RM/KG ) ( Tin oxide + PET movies ) 54,400 Water/Electricity ( RM ) 572,000 Labor ( RM ) 100,000 Maintenance ( RM ) 40,000 Rent ( RM ) 50,000 Entire Cost ( RM ) 816400 The natural stuff which is used to bring forth nano ceramic atoms is tin oxide and about 45000 kilograms of Sn oxide is being used for a batch ( market monetary value 0.68 cents per Kg ) . 20000 KW/h are being used for a batch for making nano atoms and undergo coating procedure. Entire Cost of the production are RM 816400 and our merchandising monetary value is RM 8.50 ( 1 ft2 ) . The overall net incomes from the production per batch are RM 458600 which is about 36 % from the overall gross. Estimated Cost Analysis for ( Green Solar Tint ) The estimated continuance to bring forth 150000 ft2 of Green Solar Tint is 10 working yearss ( 2 hebdomads ) . The followers is the cost analysis for one batch. Cost Analysis NANO CERAMIC FILM Materials ( RM/KG ) ( Tin oxide+ TiN+ PET movies ) 107,000 Water/Electricity ( RM ) 410,000 Labor ( RM ) 100,000 Maintenance ( RM ) 40,000 Rent ( RM ) 50,000 Entire Cost ( RM ) 707,000 The natural stuff which is used to bring forth ceramic movies is tin oxide and about 45000 kilograms of Sn oxide is estimated to be used for a batch ( market monetary value 0.68 cents per Kg ) .The estimated energy ingestion will be 14600 KW/h. Estimated energy ingestion will be lower for Green Solar Tint production compared to Solar Tint because it does n't affect thermic procedures which consume high energy. The estimated energy decrease will be 27 % ( 5400KW/h ) . Entire Estimated Cost of the production are RM 707,000 and our merchandising monetary value is RM 9.00 ( 1 ft2 ) .The overall net incomes from the production per batch are RM 643000 which is about 47.63 % from overall gross.Social and Environmental ImpactsBulidings and placesSocial Impact:The Green Solar Tint removes up to 90 % of the Sun ‘s damaging UV beams, which cause fast attenuation of trappingss, carpets, images and other belongingss and sun harm. So this lengthens the life rhythm of stuff and furniture at p lace. Besides that, Green Solar Tint offers window movies that block basically all harmful UV beams, the taking cause of skin malignant neoplastic disease and other unsafe conditions that impact all ages. With this, we can protect our loved 1s from hamful UV rays.Solar shade besides offers added safety for everyone and anything in the house. In instances of larceny or natural catastrophes like temblors and twister, the solar shade movie is competent at maintaining the broken pieces of glass together. This can avoid or at the really least lessen physical injury to your pets and relations and extra harm to your belongings. Extra benefits include an elegant visual aspect, reduced blaze and improved comfort and the Sun ‘s heat that comes through the window being reflected off.Environmental Impact:Green Solar Tint ‘s capableness to reject important sum of Infra Red heat lowers chilling burden of air conditioning ingestion. This means energy can be saved at place by utilizing lesser air conditioning. And indirectly, we can assist cut down the emision of harmful CFC to the environment.AutomotiveSocial ImpactGreen solar shade is besides efficient in cut downing Sun blaze which is really utile most particularly to the driver ( automotive application ) , since it is really helpful in forestalling oculus strain and weariness. Aside from that, riders will besides detect the auto seats get hot easy doing uncomfortableness to sit on. Through Green Solar Tint, non merely is the upholstery of the auto protected, but the riders are protected as good. Green Solar shade is capable of barricading up to 90 % of UV beams so one time installed on every auto window you can be assured that you and your household are protected from its detrimental effects. Aside from these grounds that are already given, solar shade besides serves as an added shield that facilitates to your safety and security. The movies will forestall broken pieces of glass from shattering in instance of an accident. This will so minimise possible physical injury both from exterior and inside the auto.Environmental ImpactGreen solar shade is besides really efficient in barricading heat from the Sun. This is a really economical manner of salvaging fuel because of decreased use of air con. And less use of air con means less fuel ingestion. This manner we get to salvage our natural resources ( fuel ) every bit good as cut down pollutant emitted by vehicles.DecisionAs a decision, the modified Green solar shade will supply good solar rejection and it is cheaper than Solar shade ( initial merchandise ) .Recommendation1. The natural stuffs that we traveling to utilize for ceramic procedure, should be maximized, so that the merchandises besides will be maximized. Hence, the dimension of the reactors should be design harmonizing to our company penchant. Overall, we can cut down the use of energy by non reiterating the procedure once more. 2. First, the mixture of our natural stuffs in an organic dissolver should be every bit pure as possible. This can be done, by holding an extra procedure of separation and purification of our natural stuffs. As a consequence, we can forestall the wastage. The drosss from the separation, we can re-use it back as our side merchandises. 3. Normally, it is impossible to derive 100 % pureness in our merchandises. There should be some by- merchandises produce. The byproducts can be re-usable or can be re-cycling back to our provender. It is a good investing for our company.Waste PRODUCTSZinc oxide is one of the drosss from our natural stuffs. So, it is non necessary for us to divide the drosss as Zn oxide have a superior UV barricading belongingss compared to its majority replacement. Actually, this dross is frequently used in ties readying of sunscreen lotions and it is wholly photo stable. Impurities or waste merchandises like nanoscale atoms that being produced in our industry can be used for biomedical application as drug bearers or imaging agents. We can do it as our side investings.